Thursday, 23 October 2008

New round of funding for LinkedIn

I should stop borrowing you with Linkedin but I just can't :-) After having raised 53 mio USD in June they raised now $22.7 mio more. It's worth noticing that the publisher McGraw-Hill Companies is part of this strategic investment. LinkedIn is employing 320 people and that money is more than welcome !

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Will the financial crisis filter out the web2.0 start up ?

Obviously when the stock market crashes, don't expect too much to get easy funding for your new start up. actually even what we could consider as success stories could be impacted. Dailymotion and netvides are under pressure and one could easily predict that only killer app will survive the down turn. On the one side, we could be glad to get only the best surviving, but on the other side it will definitely slow down the innovation cycle we could expect with trends like RIA or growth of the online spending. Who'll survive will live for long !

Sequoia Capital on startups and the economic downturn
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: depression recession)

Thursday, 2 October 2008

First online live broadcsting of a football game in Belgium

Standard - Everton was live broadcasted on the rtlinfo web site (member of the RTL group). It's a unique experience in the Belgian media landscape and I must admit I was quite happy. I did watch the game from Goteborg in Sweden for and it was a great home feeling. It's also worth noticing that RTL didn'tforeseen to monetize the TV ad display over the internet. Net result for the online audience during the TV ad : open micro with privatejokes from the RTL team, funny live shoots while waiting an on AIR slot, scripting of the discussion for the second half and so on... The only ad we get for this live broacast - a introducing ad video and 2 footer display banners...Talking about Itv ?...Many opportunities for improvement :-)