Sunday, 3 December 2006

BBC about the future of Search

A intersting conference by a project manager at the BBC. The proposed content is increasing day after day, they digitalize more and more archive but the user generated content is also booming via e-mails and mobile phones. The content in their case, is more pictures and short films than text or document but they face similar issues than publishers. They want to make their content available on new delivery channel and therefore need to tag the content (for searching or labelling) independently of the delivery channel. Eg. how to tag the content for search engine and for vodcasting ? Of course, like traditional publisher, the volume of content impact the editorial workload and this process taking ages if they want to make it internally. Therefore they allow user generated tags to reduce the production process. Smart usage of the social web. This could be applicable for legal content but probally on market segement that accepts the community to provide input on their subject.

A side effect of this social tagging, the navigation becomes more and more driven by metadata and less and less by taxonomies managed by an editorial team. Intersting...

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