Thursday, 14 December 2006

Mashup in a B2B world ?

Mashup application are often reduced to an enhancement of Google Map with some nice (useless?) features. Recent announcements make me think that we'll see mashup in a business context sooner than expect. strategy behind their AppExchange is a good example of Mashing up application together in their environment. Read the press release that announced the SalesForce for Google Adwords to understand the business impact of Mashups. Traditional Publishers are moving to the software world to enter the Client's Value chain. More and more propose work flow applications in their portfolio (Check Wolters Kluwer's Corporate and Financial Services) that need to take Mashup into account. In the same vein, Factiva announced a mashup outside the Google sphere (that's the news!). Factiva SalesWorks locates prospect on a map (oohhh again a map :-) but this time the Microsoft Virtual Earth. Thing are definitively evolving there !

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